OMR (OpenMedReady)OpenMedReady (OMR)

Data provenance, security, privacy and consent in remote patient monitoring

OpenMedReady is a collaborative effort between technology and health leaders Arm, ForgeRock, Philips, Optum, and Qualcomm Life, along with innovative healthcare startups Sparsa and US TrustedCare. It is focused on enhancing data from medical devices to enable more trustworthy data sourcing and consented patient-information sharing.

Most healthcare industry initiatives related to remote patient monitoring have focused on connectivity standards such as Bluetooth, EHR data standards (such as IEEE and HL7 FHIR) and health data exchange frameworks, such as the Continua Design Guidelines. OpenMedReady will complement these important building blocks by adding assurances to physicians about the authenticity and integrity of the measured data, with a goal to increase trust in remotely gathered patient data. Ultimately, trustworthy and secure remote patient data can help lower costs across the healthcare industry and lower hospital readmission rates.

“At a time when research shows 87% of patients are unwilling to comprehensively divulge all medical information due to privacy and security issues, it’s critical to establish a proper trust relationship among patients, care providers, telecare devices, and digital services,” said Eve Maler, vice president of innovation and emerging technology, ForgeRock. “The two critical pieces in doing this are authenticated identity and consent management. The OpenMedReady framework promises a method for doing this in a way that lets valuable ecosystems grow.”

OpenMedReady Launch at HLTH 2018


Is OpenMedReady a standard?

It is a specification framework, developed as a collaborative effort by organizations in the health and technology industry to solve a variety of challenges facing the healthcare sector and the patients it serves in a holistic way. The framework adopts and adapts many existing standards, including Bluetooth for connectivity, FIDO Alliance for strong authentication, OAuth for authorization, UMA, HEART and others, wherever possible. We have incubated the specification with the intention that it can be finalized in an appropriate standards body.

Does OpenMedReady overlap with any existing healthcare standards?

OpenMedReady’s aim is to complement existing standards such as Continua and seeks to drive adoption of key components in the specification into standards such as FHIR.

Is the OpenMedReady collaborative accepting new membership?

Not at the moment. Interested parties should email



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For more information about the OpenMedReady specification framework, please email